Ancient cultures used dry brushing all-over the body to improve skin texture and achieve a healthy glow. It's said Cleopatra would start her spa ritual with dry brushing, followed by a milk and honey bath. In Ayurvedic medicine, this practice goes by the name garshana.
Made from natural bristles, this brush exfoliates lightly and sweeps away dead skin to reveal glowing and smooth skin.
Dry brushing has been a trusted practice for centuries, boasting a wide variety of advantages. Gentle exfoliation is achieved when brushing away dead skin cells, aiding in circulation, facilitating detoxification, and potentially stimulating collagen production. As it helps to activate the nervous system, dry brushing can be an energizing experience. Furthermore, brushing can also enhance your skin's natural healing processes, resulting in a luminous complexion and a supple feel.
Start by using the Brush at the feet or ankles and work upward, brushing towards your heart in long, smooth strokes. Next, move the brush in a circular motion or upward motion towards the heart on your torso and back. For your arms, start on the back of the hands and work upward towards your shoulders. Use only as much pressure as you are comfortable with. Go over each area 2 or 3 times, spending a little more time at joints. The entire process should take only 2 to 3 minutes. For maximum benefits, we recommend dry brushing in the morning followed by a shower and your favorite whole body oil. However, making this part of your evening routine provides plenty of benefits as well. Enjoy these few minutes of calmness and self-care.